Parece que fuera ayer cuando, hace unos 10 años, de madrugada nos subimos a un autobús dirección Brighton escapando de la noche londinense. Quién iba a imaginar que después de todo este tiempo Abbi iba a confiar en mi para fotografiar su boda. Tras una ceremonia muy sentimental, emprendimos un viaje subidos en un autobús que nos transportó a otra época y que, muy oportunamente, hizo una parada cerca de un puesto de helados.
It seems like it was yesterday when, 10 years ago, in the early hours of the morning we got on a bus destined for Brighton to escape the London night. Who would have though that after all that time Abbi would trust me to photograph her wedding. After a very emotional ceremony we set of on a little journey on board a bus that transported us to another era and that, very fortunately, stopped right next to a ice-cream van.
Also take a look at her wedding featured on her own blog:
Abigail and the future: The wedding
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