

Son muchas horas en la carretera. Francia es un país enorme, y te das cuenta cuanto más tiempo pasas dentro del coche. Aún así nos merece la pena. Alcanzar el puerto de Calais y subirnos a bordo del ferry que nos lleva a Inglaterra es la recompensa a un largo viaje. Es el momento de relajarse y tomar un café contemplando como te alejas de un país y empiezas a vislumbrar los acantilados de Dover, señal inequívoca que has llegado a tu destino.


There are so many hours are spent on the road. France is such an enormous country, something you realise when you in the car for hours and hours. Its worth it though. Reaching the port of Calais and boarding the ferry that took us across the channel really compensates the long journey. It's the moment to relax and have a cup of coffee whilst getting further and further away from one country whilst you start to catch a glimpse of the White Cliffs of Dover, an unmistakable sign that you have arrived at your destination.

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