
The second step.

A veces la mejor manera de desconectar es perderse en los orígenes. Viajar en carretera me ha ayudado siempre ha tener mis momentos de clarividencia. En esta ocasión, recorrer la península de este a oeste ha sido la excusa que necesitaba para enderezar caminos en mi vida. El primer paso es dejar de lado esta baja autoestima que me persigue y para ello próximamente daré mi segundo paso: Un proyecto en papel.


Sometimes the best way to disconnect is to go right back to the beginning. Traveling along roads that have always helped me to find moments of clarity. On this occasion, crossing the country from east to the west was the very excuse that I needed to straighten out those different paths I have in my life. The first step is to leave behind that awful low self esteem that seems to follow me everywhere I go and with that in mind I will soon be going onto my second step: A project in print.

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